We've been doing bLOGOS for a while now. The 2014-15 bLOGOS posts will be our third cycle of lectionary reflections for Year B. This list is the complete collection of previous posts for Year B. Due to calendar changes and times when authors were unable to submit, there may not be two posts for each week, but we hope this set of links will be helpful. The authors for the two years, mostly by order of appearance were: Jesse Larkins, Jake Wilson, Erin Martin, Doug Lee, Ragan Sutterfield, Kyle Childress, Debra Dean Murphy, Joel Shuman, Brian Volck, C. Christopher Smith, Janice Love, Halden Doerge, Mark Ryan, John Jay Alvaro, Danny Yencich, Jenny Williams and Heather Carlson.
A pdf file of the complete reflections can be
downloaded here. Advent- 1: 2008,
2011 2: 2008,
2011 3: 2008,
2011 4: 2008,
2011Christmas -
20111st Sunday after Christmas - 2008Holy Name of Jesus -
2011Epiphany- +1: 2012 +2:
2012 +3: 2009,
2012 +4:
2012 +5: 2009,
2012 +6:
2012Lent- Ash Wednesday: 2009,
2012 1: 2012 2: 2009,
2012 3: 2009,
2012 4: 2009,
2012 5: 2009,
2012Palm Sunday/Passion Sunday:
2012Easter- 2009,
2012 2: 2012 3: 2009,
2012 4:
2012 5: 2009,
2012 6: 2009,
2012 Ascension: 2009Pentecost: 2009,
2012 Trinity: 2009,
2012Ordinary Time 10: 2012 11: 2009,
2012 12: 2009,
2012 13: 2009,
2012 14: 2009,
2012 15: 2012 16: 2009,
2012 17: 2009,
2012 18: 2009,
2012 19:
2012 20: 2009,
2012 21: 2009,
2012 22: 2009,
2012 23: 2009,
2012 24: 2009,
2012 25: 2009,
2012 26: 2009,
2012 27:
2012 28: 2009,
2012 29: 2009,
2012 30: 2009,
2012 31: 2012 32: 2012 33: 2009, 2012All Saints: 2009Reign of Christ: 2009, 2012