By Tobias Winright
- Oscar Romero on Christ’s Kingship by Tobias Winright (11/17/2010)[image] November 2010 (Reign of Christ Sunday, Proper 29)In view of this Sunday’s focus on the reign of Christ, I find some words from Archbishop Oscar Romero to be appropriate: “The human race of the twentieth century has climbed to the moon, has uncovered the secret of the atom, and what else may it not discover? The Lord’s command is fulfilled: Subdue the earth! But the absolute hu...
- In Memory of Saint Marcellus by Tobias Winright (10/30/2010)(Feast of Saint Marcellus) This week the Jesuit Catholic magazine, America, posted video clips of US soldiers talking about conscience in the military. Pacifist and just war Christians respectively should support both conscientious objection and selective conscientious objection. While the former i...
- Dives’ Sin of Omission by Tobias Winright (9/23/2010)Scripture Reflection: Catholic Lectionary (Amos 6:1, 4-7; Ps 146; 1 Tim 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31) In my “Poverty, Wealth, ...
- Being Grounded by Tobias Winright (8/24/2010)Sir 3:17-29; Ps 68:4-11; Heb 12:18-24; Lk 14:1-14 When I was a child, getting “grounded” was a form of discipline imposed on me by my parents. From my perspective then, it was something to ...
- Gather Us In by Tobias Winright (8/20/2010)[image] Catholic Lectionary: Is 66: 18-21; Ps 117; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13 ; Lk 13:22-30The processional hymn for my wedding eight years ago was “Gather Us In,” written by Saint Louis Jesuit Marty Haugen. It’s always been a favorite for my wife and me. “Gather us in, the lost and forsaken; gather us in, the blind and the lame.” E pluribus unum (“out of many, one”) originally was a central theme of the Hebre...
- Embodying the Word by Tobias Winright (8/12/2010)
- Peace to God's People and Earth by Tobias Winright (1/19/2010)Pope Benedict XVI's World Day of Peace Message for January 1, 2010, was "If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation." Initially published on December 15 to coincide with the international climate gathering in Copenhagen, this brief reflection builds on a few paragraphs concerning the environment that were included in his social encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, which was issued last summer. If you have read Ragan Sutterfield's EP pamphlet, Ethics After Pentecost by Tobias Winright (8/13/2008)[image]According to the Christian liturgical calendar, we are now gathering to worship on Sundays during the Season after Pentecost, which is also often referred to as Ordinary Time even though the Scriptures for Sunday, August 17th (Roman Catholic lectionary) are full of extraordinary, even quite surprising, tidings. Another name for this season is Kingdomtide, and I would like to suggest th...
- On Ontology and Organizations Voluntary by Tobias Winright (5/1/2008)
In his column, which is published in many Catholic diocesan newspapers around the U.S., this week, George Weigel, who is a senior fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., criticizes Catholic candidates who are running for the presidency when they appear to bracket their Christianity "when they put on their hats as public servants." Specifically, Weigel writes, "when a candidate for public office avers that 'membership in the faith community' is deeply personal or a matter of 'my relationship with Jesus' then suggests that being a Catholic Christian is a compartment of life that can be hermetically sealed off from first principles of justice (abortion, euthanasia, and embryo-destructive stem-cell research), we're dealing with a confused camper. One might even sa... - On Ontology and Organizations Voluntary by Tobias Winright (5/1/2008)